
The present project follows the principles of Game-based Learning into three categories. First, empowering learners by giving them autonomy to learn with the playability. Second, problem-based learning is presented as challenges, keeping in mind that solving problems is the core concept of knowledge. Third, a deep understanding of educational contents, such as mathematics implies the application of mathematics contents in different contexts, that goes further than knowing formal mathematics facts just by doing tests and quizzes. 

The joint experience of Casa Pia – CED Jacob Rodrigues Pereira and Lusofona University with the project Educação Acessível was an important asset to the GBL4deaf project, giving researchers, videogame designers and developers access to the DHH students and offering them back new ways to explore learning. Maintaining the partnership with Casa Pia – CED Jacob Rodrigues Pereira, GBL4deaf project extend their collaboration to other schools: The ‘Agrupamento de Escolas D. Maria II’, The ‘Agrupamento de Escolas Quinta de Marrocos’ and the ‘Agrupamento de Escolas Reynaldo dos Santos’. As well as other partners from civic society, such as the ‘Associação LUDUS’, the ‘Federação Portuguesa das Associações de Surdos’ (FPAS), the ‘Associação Portuguesa de Surdos’ (APS) and Fundação Altice Portugal since it is aligned with their mission and values.

The research results are essential not only for the adoption of the videogame in the Reference Schools for Bilingual Education of Deaf Students (EREBAS), but also to others (in)formal contexts of education.